
by Tanya

I’m shaking out the dust and cobwebs from this blog, finally. Yesterday I hunkered down and installed a new WordPress theme, hacked away at the CSS a bit, cleaned up the tags and categories, put up a new header (it will have to do for the time being, since I’m no graphic designer), updated the About Me page, and added a new section about which I’m particularly excited: Travel!

I’ve created separate pages and each one will be updated with a detailed post full of photos and my favorite recollections & recommendations for sightseeing from the destinations I’ve visited. This will probably take up the bulk of my future tinkering with the site, but I also feel that I’ll be more likely to make regular posts here on topics that aren’t just limited to cooking and nesting.

I’m really excited! Now, if you are reading this and want to be up on my blogroll, let me know please! I’d love to share the link love.